Technical informations

Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHs) legally based on the article 95 of the EC environnement guideline.
(here the .pdf file of the law). Dispositions apply on Electronic equipments mentioned into the IA-annex belonging to previous directive for the categories 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10, and also to incandescent lamps and home lighting installations.
Dispositions : According to the RoHs directives, as of 1st July 2006, new electric an electronic equipment introduced into the market and falling within certain products categories may no longer contain selection of dangerous substances. These are: Lead Mercury Cadmium Hexavalent chromium used as anticorrosive substance Polybromated biphenyl (PBB) used as flame retardant Polybromated dpenylether (PBDE) used as flame retardant. Exemptions: Directive considers some exemptions. These are: Mercury in the lamps (compact fluorescent lamps, fluorescent tubes) Lead in the glasses of cathode rays tubes, electronic components and fluorescent tubes. Lead in some steel, aluminium and cupper alloys. Lead in some welding processes (to high temperature, server, memory systems, telecommunications systems). Cadmium plating with exemption of the dispositions belonging to Dir. 76/769/CEE Modification 91/338/CEE). Hexavalent chromium used as anticorrosive substance for certain applications. TEKO has always made every effort in the research of new technical solutions compatible with low environmental impact. For this reason, and in order to fulfil the regulations within he framework of the RoHs and WEEE guidelines, TEKO is no longer using hazardous substances in its products.
TEKO take care to deeply inform the customers through the web site about how to be in keeping with these directives.